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Identify fish problem

23 11:09:16

Hi i have a problem with a festivum cichlid it has 5 holes around its eyes and one on top they started red like a spot now they have a white fluff like substance coming out please help as i have had this fish 4 years it was my first tropical fish

Hi Christopher,

Bad news.  This is HIH.  Hole In Head disease will kill him if not treated.

2 teaspoons of salt per gallon must be added.  Please add Marine Salt only.

His water also needs changed more frequently.  HIH is cuased by filthy water.

Every 2 weeks, 25% needs changed til you see changes in the HIH, which may take months, literally.

After it starts healing, then you can decrease to 25% changes monthly.

He will need a lot of care.  Better feeding.  Warm water of 78F.

The substance coming out is his meat.  It's dissolving.  He will die soon if not treated.

I got this question in the fish questions pool today.  It must have been there awhile, referred to other experts by the original expert you chose.  Please do not hold me responsible because it's taken so long to answer.  I just got it today, and was on it soon as it arrived. :)  I hope my answer is helpful for you, and in advance, if there is any need for a followup, please feel free to ask.

Happy fish-keeping.