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Opinion on fish

23 11:25:25


I'm sure you remember the trauma that my son went through last month with his corys dying after the total fish change....Well, the aquarium has been cycling for 3 weeks now. We are going to get the water tested today. If it's okay we are going to slowly start adding fish. I wanted your opinion on some of the choices we are considering. We have a 20 gallon tank. We are thinking of 2 convict cichlids, a couple of bleeding heart tetras and either a pleco or some more corys. What is your opinion on that array? Will they get along okay? And are they all pretty hardy? Thank you for your help.  Michele

ANSWER: Hi Michele,
Convicts are Cichlids, and these are true to their name.  They are aggressive, but if you put a female, and a male in your tank, and nothing else, they will spawn, and look after their babies.  I say nothing else, because they are aggressive during the spawn.  They defend their territory, and their fry.  I would not add any other fish with Convicts unless I had a bigger tank, with bigger fish.  Convicts grow to 5-6 inches.  If you go with convicts, you will be able to put only two in your tank.  They need flat rocks to spawn, and an overturned clay pot that you can find at the dollar store.  They are hardy fish, easy to keep, and amusing to watch.  They eat almost any food, the PH is never a problem.  They like clean water, as do all fish, so make sure you do your water changes every week of 25%.
As you can see, not all fish mix, and the convict can only be mixed with other cichlids who are just as aggressive as he is, and bigger in a big tank.
I hope this will help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you again for your great advice. As personable and fun as cichlids sound, I decided that it would be easier to choose fish that should be in a community. I did a lot of research and chose to go with Tetras, rasboras, and corys. The only problem is when we got to the fish store my son fell in love with the Black Phantom Tetras. We got them, assuming that they would be like the rest of the Tetras that I had researched. But after getting them home I did more research and found some conflicting information. Some websites say that they too can be "nippy". Others say that they get along fine with other fish. I just don't know who to believe. We got 3 of them to start with. They all look like males, but of course I can't be sure of that. My son would like to add scissor tail rasboras (maybe 3 or 4) and 4 corys. Will they all get along in his 20 gallon tank? Or should we figure something else out? Thank you for your advice!


Hi Michele,
Black Phantom Tetras should get along as long as they are in groups of 6 of more.  They are usually peaceful fish. When kept in groups, they will chase each other.  These fish may nip other fish if they are not kept in groups.  Of course, sometimes we may get one who will nip other fish, but if they are kept in groups, this is rare.  They like subdued light, so a floating plant would be appreciated by this fish.  Sometimes little quarrels happen between males, but no harm is done.  It is quite difficult to see the difference between male, and female, but the female's body is a little more round than the male. The scissor tail rasboras are a peaceful fish, and must be kept in groups of 6.  They enjoy a well planted tank, either silk plants or real.  
These fish are not fussy eaters, but they should have a varied menu to remain healthy.  Bloodworms should be given now, and then as a treat.  Since the corys remain at the bottom of the tank, you could add 4 because they are schooling fish, and as far as they are concerned, the more the merrier!  There is never a problem with cory fish.  Keep your water free of ammonia, and nitrites, add your fish a little at a time, and everything should be fine.  Always do 25% water changes every week.
I'm happy your son as gone with peaceful fish.  When he gets older, he will know more about fish, then he could go with more aggressive fish in a bigger tank.  We never know with kids, some will continue learning, others will give up.  Fish may be a real passion for him.  Time will tell.
Have a nice day.