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about 5 month old black moor

23 11:04:17

hello sir,
    3 days back i introduced 10 five months old black moor and 10 cross goldfish of same age to my 25 gallon tank. i fed them flakes 2 times in a day and they were fine for 3 days but suddenly to my horror! i saw that 5 of my moors were dead. then i watched them closely and found some white dots like thing on their it iching! and if yes then can it be the only reason behind this casuality? please answer this because i'm very upset and don't want the rest to have same fate.

Putting 20 goldfish into a 25 gallon tank is way too many. You can only have 1 goldfish, even if it is a small one, into a 20 gallon tank. You are extremely over stocked and if you keep them all in that tank, they will all probably die. If the fish have white spots, then it is Ich. Just get any medication that will help with Ich, and follow the directions on the packaging.