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Blackghost knife fish

23 11:41:48

I had a blackghost knife fish that wouldn't eat. I only had him for 10 days. Sadly he died this morning. He was lying on his side in the middle of the tank.He was in a tank with 4 gouramis & 2 catfish. He was swimming around a lot but wouldn't come up to eat. Was told he would eat flake & occasional black worms. I don't know what I did wrong.
Thanks for your help. I would like to get another one but not till I have more info.

Hi Beverly,
The Black Ghost must have a big tank of at least 50 gallons.  A tunnel for him to hide in is a "must" He needs hiding places.  He should be fed at night, as he is a nocturnal fish.  It takes quite a long time for them to come up, and eat, so you must make sure you feed him when the lights are out.  They love frozen blood worms.  Bring the food down to where he is, or near his tunnel, and he will eat.  Flakes are not his favourite food, and rarely do they eat flakes.  You can also feed him frozen brine shrimp. He needs acidic to neutral water which means a PH of 6.5 to 7.0.  He is a beautiful fish which grows up to 20" which is why they need big tanks.  Do not expect him to come up for food, they rarely so until they are bigger, and know you very well.  If not fed properly, they will starve to death.
I'm sorry for your loss.