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white clouds and bettas

23 11:25:07

QUESTION: I have a ten gallon tank at a constant temperature of 24*C. In it i have some fake plants and 7 white cloud mountain minnows. I am considering getting a betta to spice up the tank but have recieved mixed answers regarding their compatability. Should i get a betta, and if so, what are my chances of them getting along?  thanks!

The white cloud minnows do best in 72 degree temperature.  They are pretty little fish, and very peaceful.  The betta is a tropical fish, and need 80-82 degree water.  For this reason, I would not buy a betta to mix with the white cloud minnows.  Each betta has their own personality, some do get along with other fish, and some don't.  The list of fish the betta can be mixed with is very small.  They sometimes do well with platys, cory catfish, neons, Otoclinus Catfish, dwarf african frogs, Snails, and ghost shrimp.  There is no guarantee that the betta will accept other tank mates.
I hope this helps.

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QUESTION: Ok thank you for you quick reply, i guess i wont add bettas then. (I have to admit part of the reason i wanted one was so i could rescue it from the depressing-looking little bowls at the fish store) Is there anything else i could add to my tank without overstocking it? I have an aquaclear 20 filter.

Danios, and Cherry Barbs are peaceful fish.  They must be in groups of 6 or more.  Danios, and Cherry barbs live in  the same water temperature ar the white cloud minnows.  Be careful if you choose Barbs, some of them will nip other fish, such as the tiger barb.  The Cherry Barb is a peaceful fish, pretty, and would mix well.  You could also add little cory catfish, but they too must live in groups.  Be careful not to overstock your tank.  Overstocked tanks brings stress, and disease to fish.
I hope this helps.

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QUESTION: thanks again! just one last follow up question, i was just cleaning my tank and noticed a whole bunch of little fry! they're very tiny, just two eyes and a transparent tail and they stick to the sides of the tank. I want these little guys to survive. how do i do that?

also, what do i do if they just keep multiplying and multiplying untill my tank is way overstocked? is there any way to prevent or minimize future breeding?

How cute!  Keep them in the same tank as they would need another tank with the same water conditions as the one they are now in.  This would mean a cycled tank, which would be impossible to start one right now, as it would take up to 4-5 weeks to cycle one.  Many people don't cycle a tank for white cloud minnows, and use them to cycle a tank, but this is cruel.  Feed the little ones with  infusuria, and in one week, feed them with baby brine shrimp.  You may even be able to feed them with baby brine shrimp right away.  When they reach 1 1/2 weeks old, you may start them on dry food.  Crush your flake food very very fine, until it looks like powder for them.  You can find baby brine shrimp in the frozen section of your pet store.  The white cloud minnows seldom eat their eggs, they may eat a few, but most of the time, they don't.  Amazing, isn't it?  The difference between male, and female is that the female is less colourful, and has a rounded belly.  The male is more colourful.  Please keep them, and when they are a little bigger, bring them to a pet store.  Depending on the pet store, the manager may give you food, or sometimes money, but not much, so you would be better to trade them in for something you need.  You cannot prevent or minimize spawning.  This is in their nature. They are happy, and this is the main thing.