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Goldfish breeding

23 11:30:04

Hi Lauren, I,m having some difficulty with breeding my goldfishes. Mostly with the males, they spawned times before but now it seems like they are not producing the milt to fertilize the egg because everything else in terms of fresh water, temperature, female has eggs, etc is good. When i gently stroke their abdomen, to check for milt, none is being excreted. The fishes are not more than 2 years old and I read alot on the net that goldfish can be breed at 3 - 4 years old. Why is this happening? What stops the goldfish from producing milt, by the way they are kept with female goldfish, and how to get them back to producing milt? Is there any food to help this? because I lost a couple of female goldfishes because they were not spawning and the eggs remain in her. Thank you

well they are a bit young to breed..

but the best way i have found is keeping the females seperate and when she is full off eggs put her with the males until they have spawned then seperate could try that..but let them do it naturally, dont squezze for fish didnt start producing milt until 9 years old, and others not until 3 years atleast