Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > JEWEL FRY


23 11:04:46

Hi Will,

I have a 70 gallon fresh water tank in it are 5 Convicts, 1 electric yellow, 2 plecostumos, 2 Jewels.  Here's my question about 2 weeks ago my jewels had babies - they took perfect care of them.  I divided the tank into 2 and came home from work and she ate them ALL.  So she had another bunch of fry 2 days ago.  Everything I read says something different.  Do I need to remove the fry if I want to save them? And why is it that they are 100% excellent parents to turn around and eat them.  I don't get it. She did a fine job of keeping the convict away when I didnt have the divider

Barbara, Did you put the male and female in there. They should be kept together. She may have ate them because she felt threatened. Especially by the convict's since the jewels have a much better disposition. That electric yellow is an African and extremely aggressive keep an eye on him as he grows. Remember there are always exceptions to the rule's. How are your second set of fry doing? , Tina