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lighting and eating for our beta

23 15:05:53

We just purchased our very first beta for our 6 year old and he named him Oscar. I bought him a 1 gallon tank with the lighted hood and air filter.  I did not use the air filter but kept the lighted hood. Should I kept the light on all the times or only at night? I also bought the beta pellets and feed him 2-3 per day before I leave for work in the morning and they are gone by the time I get home.  He wont eat them if we are watching. He just spits them out. (goofy fish) Could these pellets dissolve and he is not actually eating them? I worry becasue I want him to eat.  Also I read where they like insects-does that include mosquitos? Thanks for your help!!

Hi Jacque;

If the temperature in his tank is warm enough the light doesn't have to be on all the time. Bettas are tropical fish though, so he may need it. Especially since he is spitting out his food. Spitting out food is an indication that he is too cold. He should be eating it all right away. Clean out his bowl if you think the food has dissolved into the bottom of the tank. This can foul the water and make him very sick. The tank water should be 75 to 82 all the time. Put a desk lamp or some other heat source near him to help raise it up. Placing him up on a high shelf would make a difference too. Rooms are warmer near the ceiling.

Change his tank once a week and use a good water conditioner with the new water. Tap water is fine to use. Avoid distilled water because it doesn't have needed minerals and he will eventually get sick. Bottled drinking or spring water is okay, but it is so much easier to use conditioned tap water instead!

Bettas LOVE bugs! That is the major portion of a betta's diet in the wild. They are carnivores and wait for bugs to come close, sometimes jumping from the water a bit to catch them. A bettas mouth is pointed upward, indicating insect eaters.

Have fun with your new little friend!

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