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angelfish fry

23 11:25:06

QUESTION: Hi i just wanted to know when to feed my freshwater angelfish fry, what are the signs to start feeding them, can i feed them crushed fish flakes?

ANSWER: Hi Santitos,
You must start to feed them when they are free swimming.  Feed them baby brine shrimp, and as they get bigger, feed them different kinds of quality flakes crushed fine like powder, alternating with baby brine shrimp until you slowly get them off the shrimp.  You must feed the fry 4 times a day, and do water changes everyday.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have frozen black worms in my freezer can i feed them that?

You should feed them Baby brine shrimp, and black worms 1-2 times a week.  It is best to feed them Baby brine shrimp for the first week they are born, then introduce them to black worms, but keep feeding them baby brine shrimp as their main diet, until they get bigger.