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Cichlid - Oscar

23 11:45:47

Hello i have recently purchased 4 oscars (3 red, 1 albino tiger) and started them off in a 55 gallon tank.Water conditions are all normal.I have never heard of oscars being racist but all three red oscars will fight the tiger if they get close enough.Is this normal behavior for them?I am also wondering if this will put stress on them or if they are fighters by nature. Thanks for your time.

Hi Joe

Well let me start off by saying your tank is way too small for 4 Oscars. 4 of them will need at least a 150 - 180 gallon tank. They may be small now, not sure what size you bought, but in a few months they will double in size. An adult Oscar can reach 12-14" long. Another thing to point out is, in a standard 55 gallon tank, which is 13" deep, an Oscar will not have room to turn around once he reaches adult size. A single Oscar needs a tank that is at least 18" deep, 48" long and 21" high. Just trying to prepare you for the disaster you are headed for unless you get them a much larger tank.

To answer your question, Oscars are aggressive Cichlids by nature. It is not uncommon at all for Oscars to fight each other regardless of the color variation. With 4 of them in a tank, you are certain to have fights among them, especially if there are 2 or more males, or if you have a breeding pair.

Hope this helps you, good luck!
