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Sexing and breeding my black mystery snail

23 14:47:48

How do I figure out what sex my snail is? It is about 3 cm wide, and just shy of 4 cm long, It lives with a black moore goldfish and one of those sucker fish(I think it a pecoscemus or something like that) They live in 65 gallons of 76 degree F water, I have one of those gravel filtration systems with a power head attached, and a filter that pumps water through a foam and charcoal set up. Also how would I perhaps bread the snail. I would be worried of my black moore eating the eggs, so what would I do about that? Thank you very much.

Hi Dan,
  Hmmm... I have never been asked anything about breeding snails before.  Sadly I don't know much about it.  I can tell you that most snails (I don't know if all) are hermaphrodites, meaning that each snail is both male and female and all you need is two of them.  

  Also, snail eggs are often protected by a coat of slime or jelly that makes them not taste good to other creatures.  

  Good luck with them.

-- Ron
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