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laying infertile eggs

23 11:37:51

My beta surprised me today by laying eggs.  She has not been with a male.  I have about five betas across by fireplace in separate containers. When she started laying eggs she started eating them.  She is acting very tired and I need to know what to do for her to help her.  Should I clean her water now or leave it as it is for a short while?  I feel like she needs help of some kind.   She is my favorite fish.  She's been so smart and active.  Any thing you could tell to help would be most appreciated    Barbara Rogers

Hi Barbara,
I would let her be for tonight, and would change all of her water tomorrow.  Feed her well, but be careful not to overfeed her.  Bettas should have 2-3 meals a day in small amounts.  Example: 2 pellets for one meal, or 2 flakes for one meal.  Their tummy is the size of their eye.  We must always remember this when feeding them.  Bettas should have varied diets to keep them healthy.  
Females will let their eggs go, they do not need a male.  When you think of how aggressive the male is towards a female, it is better for the little female to let them go on her own.  She should also have enough space to swim when she is letting her eggs go.  If she does not have this space, it may be a little hard on her.  Bettas should be in 5 gallon tanks.  You did not mention the size of your tanks, so I really can't help you here.  Betta should also have diluted aquarium salt in their water.  (1 teaspoon to 5 gallons of water) This helps them with stress, and parasites.
It is also best that Bettas do not see each other.  The reason for this is that they get stressed when they see each other, and stressed fish get sick.
For now wait till tomorrow, and do a complete water change, feed her well so she can regain her strength, and add diluted aquarium salt to her water according to the size of her tank.
I hope all goes well.