Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > peas


23 11:58:21

how can i feed beans of pea to goldfish . when i put them in water they sink .
and can i put a slider 2 months old turtle with goldfish or the balloon mollies what do u recommend

Hi Wajid,

Goldfish only with goldfish.  Get another tank for the turtle.  Mollies are tropical fish and need heaters of 76-80 F while goldfish need temps of 64-70 F.

To feed peas you simply thaw a fresh pea (if it's frozen) pull off the shell and feed in bits.  Sure, they sink but goldfish are notorious for gravel picking.  They will search and eat the leftover bits.  Just make sure you don't put too much in there.  Only a couple of peas per fish.

Good luck : ) April M.