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My black moor desmond is sick :(

23 14:14:11

I've had my black moor desmond for just over a year and the only problem ive had with him is suspected popeye but hes been fine. Until yesterday that is, i found him at the bottem of my tank just laying there, he is still alive and gulping in alot but just cannot seem to move from his side, he occasionlly gets these bursts of energy and moves then just lies back on his side again, i think he is also loosing colour. I really dont want him to die do you have any ideas?

Harriet,                                                     Try feeding him a pea once a week. It wards off bacteria infections like swim bladder infection. This it what it sounds like he has. Treat him with Melafix. It is all natural and gentle. Treat him for 7 days and then a water change and new carbon.I would also add some aquarium salt to your tank. 1 tblspn per 5 gallons.  Only replace with water changes. It is a mineral and does not evaporate. I think this will fix him up. Just to let you know I just had to move mine into a 20 gallon tank. He got huge and can live for 20 yrs. His water was green. Color changes can come from stress or they can change colors as they grow. I think it is stress with your baby. After this is all over you can go get a veggie clip  from your pet shop and feed him half a slice of orange once a week. He will love it and will make sure he gets no bone deformaties. Good Luck,Tina