Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > oranda


23 11:13:21

QUESTION: i purchased a large oranda today at a fish shop. originally i bought it to put in my pond, which i did. i then looked up orandas on line and paniced, knowing it will freeze this winter where i live. i quickly set up a 20 tank, using half fresh water and water from an established has some red fins,so i used some sea salt. i have not added gravel or filter medium, but have two filters going. what do i feed it and be assured he is healthy. what plants do you recomend, and do i add rock. what do i watch for, in the way of disease and new tank syndrom-- thanks for any help--sandy

ANSWER: Hi Sandy,
  You do not have to add gravel, rock or even plants, but some would be nice.  As far as feeding it, there are lots of goldfish flake foods or pellets available at most fish stores.  Hopefully you won't have to deal with any diseases.  Sadly goldfish are very prone to diseases so keep an eye out for ich -- little white spots that first appear on the fins.   

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for all the help!!! i added gravel and filter medium and added aquarium salt, with a heater- was told to keep temp at 65--75--i will watch for ick. he is not eating anything i put in the tank. i was also told to use sinking pellets versus floating, and cannot find any sinking pellets anywhere. will he get hungry enough to eat? any suggestions? thank you so much for the help.

Hi Sandy,
  He has probably started eating by now.  At first, after a fish has been moved, they are often very reluctant to eat.  This is understandable considering that moving from one tank to another is likely highly traumatic.  The reason people suggest sinking food is that goldfish have been known to ingest a lot of air when trying to eat floating pellets.  I believe Hikari makes sinking pellets.  You can find those at most fish stores as well as places like Petsmart.
When you put the flakes in, do not just drop them on the top. Submerge them and then they won't float.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <http;//>