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Two questions...continued...

23 11:31:48

I appologize, it's making me ask a new question.
These were my old questions:
Expert:  Lauren
Subject:  Two Questions
Question:    QUESTION: 1) I just added three guppies in wih my guppy i used to cycle my new 6 gallon tank. My "cycle guppy" was bright and vibrant, and very active when i first put him in the tank, but after time just hid behind a part of my filter. (he's not stuck or anything) He comes out occasionally to swim around, and to eat. Other than that he hides, and is pretty dull. The other three swim together like a tiny school, and are all very bright active and vibrant. I've had them for 2 -3 days. Will they end up like my other guppy, very shy and reclusive? Will he maybe join their tiny school?

2) Is it possible to play with guppies? If so, how?

ANSWER: 1) he may have an illness..i dont think its also may be your water he was your cycle was probably the water quality as guppies arent that hardy although many people say they are..i personally dont think they are...he may get better..does he still eat?? also do you know how many males and females you have..this could also be the problem..

2) i dont think you can as a human play with guppies without stressing them out..i think you should just enjoy them..there colours and there behavour...very theraputic lol

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1) Yes, I recently quarantined him and another guppy because of some apsolutely terrible fin rot. It's not ammonia burn, because that's at zero, by the way. They are all males. He eats well too. I think one of the males may be fin-nipping, as there's a bit sized chunk missing out of both of the quarentined guppies. I'm treating them with a salt bath. Is it okay to put them together while treating them? I have both of them in a half gallon tank (for treatment only)

2) Yes, but I ment give them toys, like bettas and ping pong balls. Any toys to keep them stimulated?

ANSWER: yeah if there all males they sometimes do fin nip and fight a bit, not sure why, i think its a territory thing..but if you want to add females make sure you have 2-3 females per if you have less the males will chase the females to death, it will stress them out...

aslong as they are ok with eack other it is fine to keep them together during treatment

and sorry ive never heard of any toys for any fish so i cant be any help there..sorry again

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, thank you. Sadly, one of them died last night. I want to change the water in the quarentine tank for the one that's still alive, but it says not to change the water during the salt bath. I'm a bit confused on what to do. How can I stop that male from fin-nipping, if possible. I really don't want to remover him from the display, he's the prettiest one in there! He doesn't nip one of the males though, just one (my large half black) It's odd.
Answer:  how many do you have now? (males)

as i said, you could add some females..atleast 2 per male..and that will draw his attention away from the guys onto the girls..helped with me..

he may be nipping that one as he see's that one as the most competition??

as for the salt bath..i dont know whats wrong with your fish? whats his symptoms..there may be a better way to treat him

This is my question now:
I have 3 male guppies now. 2 in my main tank, 1 in quarentine with tail-rot. He's healing, but he wouldn't eat yesterday. I didn't get to try this morning. I don't want to add any females, because I'd like to avoid a guppy fry invasion of any sort. If i add more fish, will my bully guppy nip them too? I'm assuming he, but i may as well ask. Shold i put more places for the others to hide? I don't know what to do at this point...

you could still buy females..if you buy another fish such as a gourami, angelfish..molly..anything and they will eat the fry (the guppies will too) but if you have bigger fish then no fry will survive and they get fed =] a varied diet and no fry to worry about

how big is your main tank?

and are you 100% its fin rott..if you treat it wrong it could make it worse

Fins turn whitish and die back
Jagged Fins
Fin look like they were ripped off
Fish is not eating

Fin Rot General Description
Not to hard to cure. Fish usually will live after treatments. Most common in the fancy varieties of goldfish, finrot can occur as a result of an injury, as a secondary infection once the fish has been weakened by another disease, or in some cases, as a primary infection (bacterial).

Finrot can be the result of a bacterial infection (which causes a more ragged rotting), or as a fungal infection (which rots the tail more evenly and is more likely to produce a white 'edge'). Sometimes, both types of infection are seen together. Infection is commonly brought on by bad water conditions, injury, poor diet, or outwintering fancy goldfish (who should live in warmer temperatures).

Finrot starts at the edge of the fins, and destroys more and more tissue until it reaches the fin base. If it does reach the fin base, the fish will never be able to regenerate the lost tissue. At this point, the disease may attack the fish's body directly.  
Fin Rot Treatments
Fungus: For fish large enough to handle, catch the fish, and dab malachite green directly on the fungus with a Q-tip. This is extremely effective. Repeat treatments may be necessary.

Bacterial: Antibiotic treatment in a quarantine tank. This is stressful for the fish, and doesn't always work, so be sure of what you are doing before you attempt it. If the fish is still eating, the best bet is an antibiotic food. Tetra makes one that works well -- just buy the one for bacterial diseases and follow the directions on the can.  
Fin Rot Prevention
With very few exceptions, virtually all cases are precipitated by stress, fear or poor environmental conditions