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Fish and live rock

23 14:27:59

Hi matthew

just wanted to know if i wanna keep a lionfish, 2 snowflake eels and 2 urchins in a 55 gallon tank is it possible for a canister filter to be sufficient for the tank.

and also my live rock in my other smaller tank is becoming white in some places what could this be is it bad or while it come right and is there anything i can do to make it right.




You should know that there are MANY types of lionfish, so i cant decypher what lion fish.

I would only keep 1 snowflake eel, as i heard they can be quite agressive to their own type. Once again, there are many types of urchins.

If you were to do a canny, i would do a rena xp4, or the eheim equivelent. Also, 55- 110 lbs of live rock will help filter.

Did you cure your live rock? If you didnt, your live rock is curing itself, so what you are seeing is die off. Here is a good article on how to cure live rock.

I am looking into doing a FOWLER to, (fish only with live rock), As all i keep right now are reef tanks.

Please let me know what types of lions and urchins and ill get back to you. Most likely, you will be fine with the urchins.