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Tiny jumping bugs on surface of water in 55 gal. fresh water tank

23 11:31:48

I have recently just noticed these very tiny jumping bugs in my fish tank along with my Oscar and 2 ploccasamist. I have been researching others resolutions who have had similar bug problems, and the best I have heard is to clean my tank vigorously and these bugs will decrease in time. My question is are there any fish I can get that will eat these bugs and/or their eggs but will not be eaten by my 5 inch Oscar? I have also noticed these bugs in my 35 gal. freshwater tank containing only goldfish and guppies but at a significantly decreased population. Is this because they are being eaten or just have not thrived to the hundreds that are in my larger tank?  My last and finally question is; are these bugs harmful to my family in any way? My smaller fish tank is in my year old son's room and I am worried about the effect these small bugs may have on his health. Thank you

Hi Laurie,
 Hmmmm... it is interesting that you have these in both tanks. Perhaps you are overfeeding your fish?  Be sure that you are only putting in food for the fish to eat right away.  Never put in food for them to "eat later".  

 Be sure that you wipe out the upper inner lip of the aquarium. That might be where some old food is stuck and the bugs are feeding.   As for finding a small fish that an oscar won't eat... I don't think that is possible.  

 I can't imagine that these bugs would be harmful though it is impossible for me to say for sure without seeing them, but you probably don't want them around. I would definitely continue with the weekly 25% water changes for your fish tanks.  

-- Ron
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