Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Me Again

Me Again

23 11:09:19

QUESTION: Thanks Renee,

How often should i salt his water?


ANSWER: For the molly?  Always.  For the rest of his life.  3 teaspoons per gallon, please. :)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: sorry i'm a tad confused, he's still in his isolation 5 litre tank,  do i do it once a day? and for how long does the salt stay in there?

ANSWER: Hi Tess,

The Molly needs salted water forever.

Salt it once.  Then everytime it evaporates, fill it back up with fresh water.  No more salt.  If you do a water change, however, the salt you take out will appropriately need replacement.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: why do you call him a molly i thought he was a black moore? and my mum is buying a slightly bigger tank for me with a filter

Sorry Tess,

I thought for some reason we were writing about a Molly...during the past few responses, we've lost the original letters.  I have nothing to refer to.

If he's a black Moore, he does not need salt in his water to survive.  

I get like 100 questions every week.  I lose track of who is who if not reminded of a situation on each response.:)
