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Black moor making bubbles?

23 14:24:20

I recently bought a small black moor.  He was doing fine for a few days and then the water got cloudy.  I read that it is probably due to algae and have been changing some of the water and treating the water with Accu-clear daily.  I have also left the aquarium light off to keep algae from growing and have reduced the amount of food I've been feeding my fish.  My question is:  is there something else I should be doing to clear the water up?  And why is my moor making bubbles?  Should I be more concerned?  On a side note,  I didn't want to use tap water so I bought distilled water.  Is this alright?  I conditioned the water with Jungle Start Right.  I'm also a little confused on how much to feed my fish.  I know only to feed it as much as it can eat within a few minutes but because of the filter, the food gets scattered around and it takes him longer to find and eat it.  What is a good guide on food amounts?  Sorry for so many questions.  I just want to start things right for this little guy.  Thanks!

Hi Cassie;

If the cloudiness is a greenish color, it's algae. If it's whitish, it's from New Tank Syndrome. Here is my own web page about it;

You didn't mention what size tank he's in. If it's smaller than ten gallons, he is blowing bubbles trying to get air because he needs a bigger tank with better filtration. Goldfish are very messy guys that get big and need lots of room and good filtration to survive. Here is a page about them to learn more about their needs;

To keep the filter from blowing the food around, turn it off for a few minutes. Just don't forget to turn it back on when he's finished. Add only enough food for him to consume from all areas of the tank in five minutes once per day. If you see food on the bottom, on the decorations, etc, after 5 minutes then feed less next time.

I hope he feels better soon. Let me know if you need more help...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins