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Tigar Oscars

23 14:24:06

hi, I have two 8" tigar oscars about 2-3years of age.  they live in a 125gal tank and recently they got ick for probably the 4th time.  they have gotten better with treatment for the cure but it tends to come back.  I know the problem stems from uneaten food and i know i need some kind of bottom feeder to take care of the problem.  My question is, what bottom feeder do you suggest that i try and introduce to the tank, how big, and what kind of habitate or hiddy hole for them.  the oscars tend to even move rocks, so im not sure of what i can do for a bottom feeder for hidding if they keep moving things in the tank. PLEASE HELP ME?

Hi Rachel,
 Any chance you could just feed them less? Then there would be less uneaten food.  A lot of people "hand feed" their oscars and that way the food goes straight into the oscars mouth.  

  What are you feeding?

  Probably the only option is a very large plecostomus.  It has to be much larger than the mouth of your largest oscar or it will end up inside.  Even a plecostomus that is about the same size as an oscar is at risk -- the oscar will eventually try to eat it.  

-- Ron
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