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goldfish boyancy

23 14:24:07

our goldfish seems to have boyancy problems at times and always stays on top.  then it seems as if he is okay for a few days and then has trouble again.  (small 2 gallon tank.  two small goldfish and one tiny algae eater with no filter and one airator.  change water when needed.  usually replace at one time.

Hi Becky;

Your little guys just need a bigger tank and I think the problem will improve and perhaps correct itself completely once they have more room. Waste toxins are burning their skin, eyes and gills from being in such a small environment. It causes stress that leads to disease. Contrary to common belief, goldfish just can't live in tanks smaller than 10 gallons and they need good filtration too. For two goldfish, you will need at least a 20 gallon tank. They are very messy guys that get very large (about 6 to 8 inches long). Until they get their new larger tank change 25% to 50% of their tank water every other day. They will love it and feel much better.

Here is a good web page with information about goldfish and what they need;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins