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follow up-betta diseases

23 14:48:15

I tried to do a follow up with Amber, but it said she was maxed out.  I just want to double check before I tell my daughter her fish is going to die.

The swollen area is in the neck (not next) area.  In my technical fish jargon, there are 2 feathery looking fins on the bottom of the fish, like front feet.  This is where the fish is swollen.  Could it be anything else besides dropsy?  If so, what?  If not, what would you do if this was your fish?  What can we do to prevent this in the future because I know she's going to want another one.

Thanks for your help,

Beta fish
Question   My youngest daughter has a beta fish.  We don't know the gender.  I just went into her room and her fish is swollen.  I would call it the next area if it were human.  It looks like a giant air bubble.  She said it's been like that for about a week.  The fish was at the bottom of the tank and I thought it was dead.  I moved the tank to get a better look and the fish started swimming.  Do you think this fish is sick (I do) or pregnant (she does)?



Answer   Hello Anissa-

First off, if you bought your betta from pet store, it is almost 99% likely you have a male. Female bettas are not colorful, have short fins, and look like minnows.

So, therefore, your little guy is not pregnant, but most likely ill. From the symptoms you are giving me, it sounds like dropsy. :( I am sorry to say this, but dropsy is fatal in fish once they develop it. It is caused by kidney failure, and the only way to "treat" it is to dose the fish with Epsom salts to slightly lessen the swelling. This is not a cure, however, as it just prolongs the inevitable. :(

Sorry to have brought you this news...
-Amber Worman  


I'm not sure why Amber said Dropsy was fatal. If this was Dropsy, there is a medication out there in petstores called Maracyn Two that treats Dropsy as well as some other common illnesses. My Betta just got over a case of Dropsy about 2-3 weeks ago and is now just fine. Swimming, eating, and breathing like nothing ever happened.
