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Betta that is ill - tried Maracyn and Methylblue

23 14:45:00


I need a professionals help.  We have people that manage a large 200 gallon salt tank in our office but they can't seem to give me the right advice for my sick betta.  I have had this fish 2.5-3 years.  He is very special for many reasons but most importantly.... he is sick and I get get him well.  He has lost the coloring around one eye, can't seem to find his food when he goes to grab it and has two holes in long tail and his top fin is turning white/gray.  I have used Maracyn, Methylene Blue, tea tree.  What else should I try to do to help????  PLEASE - your input would be valued.

Hi Karen,
 It is very possible that he is just getting quite old. At 3 years, he would be a very old betta indeed.  What temperature is he at?  Around this time of year a lot of bettas take a turn for the worse because people don't heat their tanks and the water gets colder due to winter.  Ideally, he should be around 80oF or so.

-- Ron
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