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pregnant minnow

23 15:09:52

i have four white cloud mountain minnows. i believe that wo are female, and two are male. ONe of them is extremely fat, it looks like she is pregnant and she eats like a pig. She has been this way for about half a week to a week. I put alot of plants bunched up in a corner for her. what else should i do, and will she even lay her eggs? She is in a 15 gal tank with a pleco a pair of chocolate gouramis, a pair of platies, 2 guppies and 2 neon tetras. The temperature is around 75, and the pH is around 7.0.

Hi Fae;

If they spawn in your community tank the eggs will be eaten by the other fish. If any babies hatch, they too will be eaten. If you just want to get them to spawn and don't care if the eggs are saved, you can induce spawning by making 25% water changes every 2 or 3 days. The White Cloud Mountain Minnow begins breeding in it's natural habitat with the rainy season. Water changes duplicates this process. Here are a couple of sites you can check out for more info;

Good Luck and most of all....Have Fun!

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Chris Robbins

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