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albino chiclids-fry

23 15:05:29

HI! Although I am NO novice at tropical fish, I am new to chiclids,and FRY! I have a 29 galloon tank with 2 sets of chiclids, one set convicts and the other albino... and also have a couple jelly bean chiclids in there...anyways one evening I discovered tonsssss on baby fry!! wow, didnt realize I was so good at taking care of these types of fish but they reproduced! wow...
now everything I have read and learned with common sense tells me the parents will raise them up, They are keeping the other fish away from this group....BUT what I read says to move baby fry, BUt I seriously feel thats a mistake, cause I have nowhere else to go with them, and there are soo many....
whats the best course of action in my situation and how many CAN albino chiclids actually have at one time?   also many a note on the age they can be separated and be given away or etc...?
Thanks for your time...Ann

Hi Ann;


The new babies can be removed once they become free-swimming after a few days of hatching. Your tank is way too small to leave them in there for very long and the parents could injure or even kill the other fish trying to protect the babies as they venture outside the nest. Your local fish store can't take them until they are big enough to sell though. I would say no smaller than 1/2 an inch but it depends on the store. If you give them away too small they will become food for others. You may have to invest in another tank so they can grow a bit.

Have Fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins