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Kenyi Cichlids

23 11:13:41

I have just recently set up a 29 gallon tank
with 4 decorations and 6 plants. I have two
Kenyi Cichlids to start I've  been feeding
them blood worms and pellets. The larger
one colors are fading almost and sometimes
he will turn sideways and rub against the
bottom on the gravel? Also both of them dig
little like holes under the decorations that
they can swim in and out of I don't know
why. Other then that I just wanted to know
how many more I can put in?

Hi Wyatt,
 The digging is perfectly normal.  That is what cichlids do.  The color change is also normal.  A cichlid changes its color depending on its mood.  Odds are that the fish was pretty tense and excited in the pet store tank, when there were alot of other fish around.  Now that things are much quieter, he is also calmer and not displaying intense color.  As you add fish, his color with no doubt brighten.  You need to be careful because a 29 gallon tank will likely only hold one male for any long period of time.  You can have multiple females (e.g., five) with him and maybe a second smaller male, but if two large males find themselves in that tank, they will not share it.  They will fight or worse.
You can improve the situation by having LOTS of structure (rock, wood, plants, etc) to break up the space and create lots of hiding places.

-- Ron C.
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