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SadGoldfish !!

23 11:13:41

Hey Jaymie, About two weeks ago i purchased two goldfish. after purchasing them i noticed they didnt seem happy.. always at either the top or bottem of the tank then they started showing black on the tips of their fins.. 3 days ago the smaller one died :( the larger one ( i noticed yesterday) his face has more black on it and his mouth is stuck half shut and looks like its ripping or something.. he's not acting too strange anymore but looks not well.. if that makes sense .. I'm worried about him and would love advice to fix him! ! I have tried changing the water 5 times and used cleaning drops for the past week and used ammonia killer tablets hoping that would change things a couple days ago.. I really hope to hear from you with an answer for helping him


Sounds like you have a lot of ammonia in the water. The dark you are seeing are ammonia burns. Goldfish are very delicate fish and hard to take care of even by me. They need perfect water at all times. Never change all the water. When you do that, you remove all the good bacteria. Doing 25 % water changes every week is more beneficial to your fish. Every time you add new water to the tank, you need to condition it. That removes all the bad stuff from your tap water. Never use ammonia killing tablets, they are not good for fish. The only way to prevent this is to do the water changes and test the water weekly. Goldfish do not have stomachs, so they are the most wasteful fish. Every thing you feed him comes right back out as Ammonia. Over feeding leads to ammonia problems. DO a complete water change. Add to the new water conditioning drops before putting your fish back in. Make sure you have the right filter for the size tank, but might be best to get a larger one if you want to have goldfish. One goldfish needs 20 gallons of water all to himself and 15 gallons for each goldfish added.