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my beta fish wont eat

23 11:43:39

my beta fish has gotten gram-negative bacterial infection or atleast that is what he aooeears to have. i know how to cure it but he hasnt eaten in a week im am exteremly worried i cant get him to eat and he still hasnt had any thing to cure him because i have only just found out. my fish lives in and enormous bowl plenty of space but not to deep i feed him as directed and clean him weekly but i have recently put in a new plant and i think this has caused it can you please help me on how to feed him even if its domething i have to put in the water and can i please know how he has gotten this? thank you for your time

Hi Amy,
  Hmmm.. it is unlikely that he got the bacteria from a plant.  I feed my bettas with flake food that I just drop on the water and that works fine.  

  When you clean his tank, it is important that you not use any detergents and that you only change about half the water at a time.  Do not make the tank "sterile", that will kill off all the good bacteria in there that are needed for a healthy aquarium.   

-- Ron
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