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ghost shrimp

23 11:25:56

I recently acquired an African Dwarf Frog in a 2.5 gallon tank. I cleaned it out (it was gross!) and fed the frog every day for a couple days (she was thin). After a few more days I made it into a community tank with one live plant, one female beta, one snail (apple i believe), and 3 ghost shrimp. The heater i added keeps the temperature between 75 and 80 degrees. There is NO filtration. According to the research I've done, all on the internet, I have it set up pretty well. My first question is would you change anything about this setup? And the second question is do ghost shrimp get ick? Two days ago one of them came up with a red spot on it's side. Yesterday it was white. Today it looks like it is "protruding". I quarantined this shrimp for fear that my frog will get whatever this shrimp has. And, as an aside, it's all about the frog!

I don't know much about frogs or shrimp, and I apologize for that. What I do know it that ghost shrimp turn orange and then white when they die, or some tissue dies. I also have heard the frogs will eat fish shrimp and snails. He probably tried to eat the shrimp.