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Hes dieing!!!

23 14:44:30

Now I have had my betta fish, Schubbles, for almost a year now. He is very nice but he looks like jaws came up and took a bite out his side!!! Now, the wound healed a little, then it got worse...a lot worse. You could see him bleedin' and I don't want him to die. Help me!!!! How do I fix this...ohh and it is spreading.


You can, at most fish shops, buy medication for wounds, so try that. If possible, separate him from other fish and keep him in a separate tank.
There is very little you can do but wait and see if he improves.
If it gets a lot worse you may have to euthanize him.
Tell me if it gets much worse, and I'll tell you how to do so.
I hope Schubbles gets better,