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Popeye in Mollies?

23 11:43:35

Hello Ron,

I have a 20 gallon tank. I only have lyretail mollies in the tank. Initially I had only 5-6 mollies, but they gave birth and now I have a total around 15-20 fishes in the tank. Everything was going well until lately I have seen many deaths in the tank. Symptoms have been very similar before death. It looks like they have popeye since I can see their eyes protrude and they start loosing balance, swing in circles, lie on the bottom of the tank and eventually die. I have been doing regular water changes, filter cartridge changes, etc., but no luck. Can you please help.

Hi Darshan,
 When you say "regular water changes", what do you mean by "regular"?  You should be changing 25% of the water once a week, every week, particularly given the large number of fish in that tank.

-- Ron
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