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fish food

23 13:57:49

QUESTION: which food is better for my 8 months old albino and tiger oscars growth and perfect coloration is it hikari cichlid bio gold plus or hikari cichlid gold or hikari cichlid excel and cichlid staple or tetra doromin or shrimps or earthworms and tetra cichlid or any other food which you suggest is better for them??????????????

ANSWER: The best staple by far is Hikari Cichlid Bio-Gold Plus. Amazing food!

For coloration I would also feed him shrimps a few times a week, earthworm every month or so, as well as washed and shelled peas once a week.


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QUESTION: can you tell me which model of eheim  canister filter should i buy which performs   biological,mecanical,chemical or any other filtration for my 80 gallon tank whiich has oscar fishes in it and has no harmful effects on my fishes and is not too much expensive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

ANSWER: All canisters are expensive.

I recommend this one.


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QUESTION: i intrested in buying  tiger and albino oscars can you tell me  what should i observe and keep in mind buying them and from what medicines should i treat them in quarantine tank before adding them to main tank???????????

What size is your tank?

You should look for HITH, hole in the head syndrome. Small white holes in the oscars head about the size of a small button.

When you quarentine them you can add a bit of MelaFix. All oscar keepers should also remove the carbon from their filter, as carbon has been linked to HITH.
