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Molly with Pop-eye swimming sideways

23 11:45:19

QUESTION: I have a Sunset Sailfin Molly Male that was swimming sluggish yesterday but otherwise looked normal. This morning his eyes are protruding and he is swimming sideways in circles. He is a 5" male and I think he is about a year old. I do have a 2 gallon treatment tank I can put him in. I just removed him a few minutes ago an put him in a beta bowl. Awaiting instructions before I move him to sick bay. Please help. Can he be saved? I breed these fish so I have quite a few in several different tanks but I really want to save this guy if possible. Thank you!

ANSWER: Hello,
Remove him from the betta bowl, this is not helping him, and only making matters worse.  Fill your 2 gallon tank with water from the main tank.  Make sure he has oxygen from a filter, or air stone.    He has symptoms of Swim Bladder Disease which is caused by overfeeding, and poor diet.  This disease if left untreated will lead to Dropsy, and other complications.  He also has popeye which may have been caused by SBD.  
Treat him with Maracyn-two, and antibacterial food made by Tetra.  This should help him, do not wait as this disease can be fatal.  Make sure that there is no ammonia, or nitrites in his water at all times.  Check this often during treatment.
I hope the little man pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I put him in the 2 gal and went to the store to get the medicine. (2 gal has filter, heater and air). When I got home he had passed. Poor guy! I have about 5 of his offspring left in my 30 gallon that I have been adopting out. I am going to keep 2 males instead. Thank you so much for trying to help him. At least I have medicine now in case I ever see this again in my fish. This is the first fish I've lost in 8 months. I've raised about 400 fry without losing one so I know my tank is healthy. The only thing I can think of is that when on vacation last week my pet sitter may have overfed them. I feed rotating Spiralina flakes, Algae wafers, blood worms and shrimp pellets.

I'm sorry you lost you little pet.  Poor little fish.  Swim Bladder often goes unnoticed until it is too late.  It is better to prevent it from happening.  Feed them frozen peas that you have cooked, and removed the outer layer, once a week.  On the day you feed them the peas, feed them nothing else.  This will help them clean out their system.  Also feed them in small quantities, as they have tiny tummies.
When I have someone coming in to feed my fish, I buy little ketchup cups, and fill them with the amount that should be given.  It's something I learned to do long ago, as leaving fish with a sitter, is a risk, especially if they never had fish.  They have a tendency to overfeed.
You are feeding them well, and congratulations on breeding them!  It's a passion, and so wonderful to see them grow!