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My Black Moor Goldfish; I Think He Is Afraid Of Me.

23 11:05:01

Sushi My Black Moor
Sushi My Black Moor  
On December 29 I Got A Baby Black Moor From Walmart I A Starter Bowl (Soon To Be Bigger) And He Likes To Sit At The Bottom When I Come Near. Ill Be In The Kitchen And See Him Swimming Around Being Cute But When I Come In He Immeditately Goes To The Bottom. My Parents Say He Is Just Geting Used To Me But Im Worried. Did I Do Something Wrong? We Haven't Had Time To Bye Any Props Or Anything If Thats The Case. Please Help.


A black Moor is considered a fancy goldfish. The absolute smallest tank for a goldfish is 20 gallons, but a 30 gallon is best. He also has to have a filter. Goldfish are huge waste producers so the filter has to be for a larger tank. If you get a 20 gallon tank, the filter should be for a 30 gallon at least. He is most likely getting use to his new home. If nothing changes in a few days let me know.