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Guppies and Baby Mollies

23 11:05:46

My Guppy
My Guppy  

I have a 3 ft by 1 ft tank, i keep 2 male guppies and 4 female guppies which I brought today. They are now being kept in a tank with 6 harlequins, 2 rainbows, 2 kribensis, 3 Mollies and 2 bristle nose catfish. I have suspicions that one of my female guppies is pregnant although they all look like they could give birth. The one i am concerned about is very rounded and has a large patch around her bottom.

If she is pregnant (which i don't know about yet) would it be ok to put her in my other smaller tank with 21 baby sailfin Mollies. They are a few weeks old and a lot smaller than her. I was worried she might eat them or they might team up and attack her or something.

The guppy is acting just like the others and is not aggressive but she occasionally goes off on her own and swims up and down in the corner of the tank.

Sorry about the lengthy message but i really need to know. I have tried to take a picture but a lot of them didn't turn out very well or you cant see the guppy as she was moving ...a lot

Let me make sure I um understanding this. You have a tank that is housing 15 fish. You just bought 6 guppies and they are now in the tank with the other fish. So you now have 21 fish in the tank. If I am correct, the tank is very over populated. You are asking if you can put the female guppies in another tank that is housing guppy fry. It would not be a good idea to put them with the fry. If the fry are small enough to fit in the adult females mouths, they will eat them. If they have new fry while in there, the older ones will try to eat the new ones. You can keep an eye on the females and when they start showing signs of giving birth, you can place them in a breeding net in the main tank. When they are done having the babies, you can release the females back into the main tank. You will then have to have yet another tank, that has gone through the 6 week cycle process to put the new fry in. They cannot stay in the breeding net for more than a week. If I have not answered the question, the try me again. Sometimes I just miss the point lol.