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Injured fish!

23 11:14:49

Today I bought an Acei Cichlid from Petsmart.  The tank they had him in was dark, but I noticed him hiding in a corner and getting bullied so I decided to bring him home.  I also bought a rubbernose pleco.  I have them in a 30 gallon tank (just the two of them), and once I got home I let them float for about an hour and released them into the tank.  Upon releasing my Acei I noticed that he is missing an eye!  It's probably from being in a small tank with several other Cichlid, but it does not appear to be a recent injury as no trauma is clearly apparent.  My question is whether or not this will affect his lifespan?  He's about 3" long and looks healthy otherwise!

Another question - I saw you are an expert on Bettas.  I have a male Betta in a 2.5 gallon tank (a little small, I know).  I have had him for over a year and for the past few months he just hangs around in his log or a small cup at the bottom of his tank.  He doesn't swim much except for air and food, he still eats well once a day.  I think it's just because he's old, what do you think?  Also, he has not built a bubble nest in quite a while.


I don't think having one eye should do much with his life span. If he looks happy and is eating well I would say he should be fine. Just make sure you continue to do weekly water changes and feed him well.

As far as the Betta, you didn't mention a heater. DO you have his set to 80-82 degrees? Betta's are tropical fish and need heat. If they don't get it, they become lethargic.  Are you doing water changes every 3 to 4 days? Are you feeding him flakes, pellets, blood worms and brine shrimp? They make the nest for a couple of reasons. One, to breed and the other to show they are happy and healthy. Betta's can live 5 years or more if taken care of well. I would feed him twice a day. I have 10 adults that eat in the morning and again in the evening. Make sure he gets at least 12 hours of light and 12 hours or dark so he can sleep. Let me know if all this is being done, and if he is still doing what he is, then I will try to help you figure out whats going on with him.