Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > tropical


23 13:55:26

QUESTION: I am thinking of starting up a tropical tank and would like any advice you can give me e.g. what type of fish would be best, plants ect. I previously had coldwater fish but they died due to disease. I have thoroughly cleaned the tank.

ANSWER: what size is the tank???  dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 10 gallons

I would start off with a planted tank. I would use live plants such as Anubia, Java Fern, Crypto's, etc.  I would let the tank sit for about 3-4 days after you put in the plants.  Then I would add fish.  I would recommend 3 cory cats... three dalmatian molly's, two dwarf gourami, and 4-6 neon tetra.   Add the fish in groups and wait about 3-4 days between adding in the next group of fish.  You will also want to make sure that the temperature of the tank is between 78-82 degrees before you add plants or fish.  Hope this helps... dave