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chilid disease

23 15:11:44

my african chiclid has an iridescent slime on the top of its body near its head. it flouresces green while the rest of its body flouresces blue. there are also large darker blue circles on its gills. help please. my local pet store told me to put 4 tablespoons of salt to one gallon of water in a recovery tank and treat it with a copper and formaldehyde medicine thatt is for marine fish. the fish hated it and kept jumping out of the water. i think the salt was too strong. im open to suggestions . do u think that raising the pH would get rid of it?

Hi Erika,
  Are you absolutely sure that this is a slime on top of the fish and not coloring of a maturing fish?  The colors you describe sound exactly like a young male African cichlid as it is reaching reproductive maturity. Can you email me a picture?

-- Ron
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