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my fish is bullying the others

23 14:02:51

I have goldfishes that are suffering from ich and i also have a sucker fish which is continously bullying them.Please help.

Madhuwani,                                                             Number one lets take the pleco back to the pet shop or give it to a friend. Every once in awhile you get one that is very dominant....he probably will not change. You can try putting a large hiding place in there for him if you don't have one already. As for the Ick...go with coppersafe. 1 tsp. per 10 gallons. Great don't have to remove your carbon from your filter if it is more than 3 days old. Treat once it last for 30 days. Then do your regular water change if your change is coming up in the next couple of weeks that is fine it should be gone by then.Good Luck,Tina