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simple ?s

23 11:20:41

Hi and thank you for your time. I was told that you can use epsom salt as a so called treat for freshwater tanks I have several guppies, 2 very large kissing fish, mollies just common fish like this but the guy that told me about this didn't tell me how to use it. I don't have any sick fish that I know of and that is all the info I found on it. The tank we have was used when we bought it and we dont know very much about it. We have all of the basics that a tank needs but I want to learn how to make it better.

I am strongly against using salts and chemicals in the aquarium unless the fishes life depends on it. I have found they often times do more harm than good. My few exemptions to this are:
Stress Coat, good water conditioner
Nox-Ich, a good multi purpose medication.

I'm sorry I am not more helpful and that my response took so long. It takes the entire planet earth to make a fishes habitat, and all of these factors should be considered in the aquarium. Are their any specific questions you would like to know the answer to?