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remove fish?

23 15:11:52

I have talked to you before about my neon tetra fish and i have another question. I had 5 neon tetra and 2 have died since i got them 4 days ago. Im not quite sure if it's from stress because of fisrt cycle and they cant handle it or disease. I think they have neon tetra disease becasue they have the symptoms of it. Of the three fish i have left 1 of them is pale (mostly the red tail) it breaths funny and i noticed today that it has little white bumps all over it;s body. Do you think that is from stress of a disease? Should i remove it from the tank? or is it too late for the other fish? Also,
If 2 or the 3 of them survive and it is NTD is the water contaminated? Can i still add more fish? what do you suggest?


I cannot answer your questions based on what you have told me.  Understand that most disease in tropicals is encouraged by bad water, i.e. water that contains high levels of ammonia and nitrites.  Unless you test for the presence of these chemicals, and let me know the results, I cannot help you.  Understand that the symptoms of NTD are similar to those of fish suffering from a dozen other diseases.  The white bumps mean ICH.  A parasitic infection caused by sudden stress, (like) temperature change, poor water, and transport.  It is a parasite and is easily cured by buying ICH medication.  Once again, if you wish to help your fish, you need to learn about keeping them alive.  Please buy one of the many books available on keeping tropicals and setting up aquariums.  You will not be sorry and you will save lots of little lives. I cannot tell you what to do without knowing more about your tank, such as size, filtration, water quality, number of fish, when introduced, and etc. I wish I could help you more but without knowing the information it could be worse than it is.  Good luck.

Michael J.