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plecs and snails

23 11:01:44

Hi, I have a fresh water snail in a 67 litre tank and i also have a Hong Kong/butterfly plec in a 17 litre tank, i use the 17 litre tank for the soul purpose of raising any small/baby fish i get before introducing them into the 67 litre tank with my bigger fish, anyways my question is are plecs and snails compatible with each other being in the same tank or am i best keeping them in separate tanks once I have managed to grow my plec to a decent size???

Hi Kevin,
  That is hard to say.  When plecos get larger, they can eat all sorts of things and so I would be very concerned about your snails at that point.  People often underestimate what a pleco can and will do.  So, I cannot say for sure what would happen, but if it were me, I would not put the two together.

-- Ron Coleman
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