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Albino Oscar Fish

23 11:42:13

Hello Rom:
I spoke with Richard on the 27 because i bought a jack dempsey and i did not know if it was a good idea to have them together. I had to return the jack dempsey the next day because i thought he was bite my albino oscar but i think i was wrong. Now my oscar is no eating neither swimming he stays on the bottom of the tank most of the time and and have of his fins had disappearing and his skin on his body is pilling...I really do not know what to do, please help me...

Hi Mercedes,
 It is very possible that the Jack Dempsey had a disease, such as "ick".  Do you see little white dots on your oscar?  They would look like a dusting of icing sugar?  If so, get some ick medicine and treat the tank.  In any case, I strongly suggest that you do a 25% water change each day for several days. That should help somewhat.

-- Ron C.
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