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My Oscar tiger fish skin flaking of

23 14:14:47

Hi Chris i was looking on the web don't know what to do till i find your web. it would be much appreciated if you can help me i don't want the Oscar to die first he is not eating and his skin flaking off i have another Oscar albino in the thank lately he try to attack him so i divided the thank an half they use to play with each other so what do you reckon i can do

thanks for your help

Hi Tony;

Oscars are very territorial and can really harm each other if they decide they want the other fish to "go away". It sounds like he has a bacterial infection from the injuries in fighting. Keep the water very clean by changing 25% at least once a week along with a gravel vacuuming at the same time. Two or three times a week right now would not be too much. Fresh clean water and clean gravel will help boost his immune system and help avoid further infection.

It's possible he needs antibiotics but try a more natural approach first. Get some aquarium salt and Melafix. They are available at most fish stores. Add the salt at a dosage of one teaspoon per gallon of tank water. Dissolve it in some tank water and slowly pour it into the tank. After this initial dosage of salt, every time you make a water change add back enough salt only to treat the new water. For instance, if you change 10 gallons of water add back 10 teaspoons of salt with the new water. Use the Melafix according to the label. Once he is healed, stop adding the salt and just let your weekly 25% water changes remove the salt over a period of time. All tanks, especially with messy fish such as oscars, need a weekly water change and gravel vacuuming.

If he doesn't improve in a couple of days, get an antibiotic for fish. Your local store should have something. Maybe Maracyn or Maracyn Two. Keep using the salt and Melafix at the same time as the antibiotic. The salt and Melafix aids healing and Melafix helps with damaged tissue re-growth.

I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins