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After a Fish Dies

23 11:15:07

Thanks for taking time to answer my question. We currently have a 10gal. tank with an "up-to-20gal" filter. We established this tank approximate. 1week ago. Before that we had 4 female betas in a one gallon tank. When we got the 10gal, we also added 2 male guppies, 2 male tetras, and 2 snails. Thing were going great until last night. When we came home, one of the guppies was dead, and missing his tail and face :( I removed the dead fish, but I'm wondering if you may know why he died, and also if I need to do anything to the tank. The water is a little cloudy. Thanks! Roe

Hi Roe,
  The tank is cloudy because it is a newly established tank and the bacteria population has not yet balanced out. It takes about 6 weeks for a tank to become fully balanced. During that time, it is not unusual for the tank to get cloudy.  I suggest you change 25% of the water on each of the next three days (this is NOT the same as changing more water at once, which you should not do).

  It is very likely that one of the other fish attacked the guppy and that is why it died.

-- Ron C.
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