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I need help identifying my new fish

23 11:02:15

Pink Convict
Pink Convict  
Hello, I've just recently purchased a new fish. The manager of the pet store said that my fish is a Pink Convict Cichlid. The fish was swimming in the tank with the regular striped convicts. He didn't look like them though. His fins were shaped differently and he also has spots on his fins, yellow spots. My fish is pink with blue eyes and yellow spots on his fins. I searched online in an attempt to find out what he is but I haven't had any luck. He is very pretty and he seems to be getting along fine with my other fish, a ruby peacock cichlid (not sure if he is really a ruby peacock, got him from petsmart), a blue kenyi cichlid, a plecostomus, and a featherfin catfish. I also have a yellow kenyi cichlid bigger than the blue one, but I had to separate him from the others so I put him in a breeding box in the same tank, because he is the most aggressive out of them all. Whenever I add new fish to the tank, my yellow kenyi beats everyone up until he is separated. He settles down after a few wks.

Hi Sasha,
 You are right. He is not a pink convict.  He is pink version of one of the cichlids from Lake Malawi, but I cannot tell which one.  

-- Ron C.
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