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dried out yellow lab...will he make it?

23 14:14:47

Hi Ron,

I broke down my 55 gallon tank yesterday to clean it and redecorate it. After removing all the rocks, draining, vacuuming, and getting all the filters off and setting them up again on the holding tub, I was too tired to finish the job and figured the cichlids would be OK in a 15 gallon tub overnight. That's 20 yellow labs that are grow outs from a spawn about two years ago. Well, I suppose they weren't crazy about being reduced from 55 gallons of water to 15 gallons, because two jumped out during the night...

One was totally dead and a little chewed up by my cat, the other looked dead but when I washed him off to get a better    look, pouring water into his gills got him to respire ever so slowly! I was amazed, because he was not at all moist, and his fins were crispy. I couldn't believe he was alive.

I put him in a net that was in the water just to observe him for a while, and within about 5 minutes he struggled to free himself, so I put him back in the container. He laid on his side most of the time. When it was time to put everyone back in, he struggled to be caught just like the others, so I figured it was safe to put him back in the 55 gallon...

For about two hours, he did nothing but lie in the bottom corner. Not on his side, but on the bottom of the tank nonetheless. Afterwards he hid in a cave, and I can still see part of his tail sticking out, which is a little ragged but not too bad looking, still intact if a bit frayed.

Do you suppose there is any hope for this guy? I have no idea how long he was on the floor. He mostly landed on the laminate flooring so that was easier on him than the carpet, I guess, but his tail did touch the rug.

He looks pale, but his skin doesn't seem to have any redness. His eyes are clear. Overall, he just seems very washed out and depressed, with no appetite as of yet.

Is there anything I can or should do? I am thinking now maybe I should have kept him in a hospital tank, but it's too late now to break the tank down and try to catch him. Should I add Melafix or Stress Coat to the whole tank? Might sea salt be of any benefit? I am grateful for any advice.

Many thanks,

Hi Nicole,
 The key is the eyes.  If they are okay, then generally the fish will be okay. If they eyes dried out, then the odds are really low.  He will likely lose some or all of his fins but these will grow back.   It might have been better to put him in his own tank so that he has a chance to recover without being bothered, but you said he is in a cave and that is a good thing.  

 I would not add salt.   A little stress coat would probably be okay.  Mostly, it is up to him at this point.
They are remarkably tough fish so he definitely has
a chance.

-- Ron
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