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Convict cichlid and Dwarf puffers

23 11:44:47

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My sister bought two dwarf puffer fish a couple days ago without knowing what they were like, and the people at the store never warned her. She has a tank with community fish such as a molly, a goldfish, a sucker fish, and a catfish. We read up on the dwarf puffers and found out that they are really aggressive and that was simply proven by how frayed the goldfish's fins started to look after the puffers were introduced. My sister finally wanted to put the puffers into my tank after her goldfish's dorsal fin was shredded.
I just got a convict cichlid. She's not very big yet, but she's a lot bigger than the puffers, and I also intend to buy another convict. She keeps chasing and nipping at them. I don't want the puffers to be killed, but I also don't want my sisters fish to die because of them.
Do you think they'll be fine with my convict(s)?

Hi Leah,
  Puffers are wonderfully interesting fish but I would not put them in with any other fish, including convict cichlids.  The convicts will either kill the puffer or the puffer will kill the convicts.

-- Ron
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