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Tetra Compatibility...

23 11:06:56

Hi! I have a 46 gallon bowfront, with 2 Lemon Tetras, 4 Neon Tetras, 3 Black Neon Tetras, 3 Black Skirt Tetras, 4 Rasbora Tetras, One Lamp Eye Tetra, one Emerald Cory, 2 Black Khuli loaches, a golden algae eater and a pleco. I originally had 2 Emperor Tetras in there as well but one was practically picked on till all his fins were nipped off, so I isolated him for a few weeks. His fins starting growing back so I let him back into the tank, thinking all was ok. The next day I saw him on the bottom, dead. I was thinking maybe my other Emperor nipped him to death (also a male), but, this morning I woke up (and keep in mind, yesterday he was completely healthy and fully finned) and he was on the bottom dead as well. Who could have caused this? And what can I do to make sure something like this won't happen again? I've had this tank set up for years now and never a problem like this. Also, I would really love to add Angelfish, but not too sure because of my Neons. Would that be a bad idea?

I really don't see a problem with the type of fish. I think the problem is tank size. Since tetra's are quick swimmers, they need a lot of room and you are a bit over populated. I would not add any angels to this tank. I think as long as this tank has as many fish in it that is has, you will continue to have issues. Just make sure there are plenty of hiding places. Good luck with the tank.